Friday, January 28, 2011
Dud in the Alpine Classic
This year, I'm determined to better that. Pace, pace, pace. steady up Tawonga, steady up Falls Creek, fly back down! Tawonga again - this seems hard (It's very hot: 32degrees). After 4:30hrs riding, I get back to Bright 6minutes ahead of schedule. I'm happy and booming! I race into the motel (on the route), change bidons and jersey (already packed with new food bars). Go to the bathroom, and discover I've not been drinking enough. Bidon of liquid down my throat.
During the simulation I enjoyed eating muesli. So, why not? In goes a bowl for good measure. Big mistake! It takes all the liquid in my stomach, deprives me of it, and the muesli sits there like a rock. I could hardly move another 10km. Cramps, spasms, vomit. Even the flat road seems to have a 10% gradient. I stop, lie down beside the road for 15min, and with my tail between my legs, crawl back to Bright. DNF is not a good feeling, even though I learnt a huge lesson. :(
Monday, January 17, 2011
Go Jim - In NYC
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Simulate RAAM for 2 days
And the next Tuesday and Wednesday, I do a bit of riding:
Tuesday 4th 4 hr ride between 6:00-10:00am, and then 1hr rides at 2:00-3:00pm, 4:00-5:00pm, and 10:00-11:00pm, and further on Wed 5th between 12:00-1:00am, 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am, 2:00-3:00pm, and 4:00-5:00pm.
I rode 362.80km (225miles), 29% of what each of us will do during the Race. I learnt a lot:
1. The simulation is crucial – we must all do it. Whilst I did 2 days, 3 days would be even better. (Maybe again, at Easter?)
2. The 1 hour rides were just long enough – I was glad to finish each of them after 1 hour (mine had some flexibility as at times I needed to return home, which added time and changed the speed parameters). I felt that the 1 hour rest between rides was too long. This may well be because I was on my own, and I got a bit bored (which won't happen during RAAM!). I felt that I obtained sufficient sleep, even in 4 hr time slots (which were also occupied with showers, eating, walking the dogs)
3 I got chafed from the TT bike on the 1st afternoon – ouch!. We will need to use LOTS of chamois cream. (It stopped me from choosing my TT bike for the 2nd afternoon rides - good lesson!)
4. Those nagging injuries which we all have, and which have an annoyance/pain factor of 1/2 or1/10 come to the fore real fast. I need to get them fixed now!! For example, I have a tight upper right glute muscle, which gave my nasty sharp pain twinges on the last night rides, and my AC joint in the right shoulder (from a crash) ached.
5. The Intensity Factor for each ride was between 0.61 and 0.69, but I felt that I was working harder. This will have an impact when we do the real, longer Race.
6. I had the feeling (incorrect) that I could not ride as fast in the middle of the night (10-11pm + 12:00-1:00am);
7. I averaged 29.7kph (18.46mph). In part that is due to City Traffic, getting home, hills, unsupported, not the same motivation, etc. We can increase that during the race, because we won’t have to worry about City Traffic and stoplights, and we’ll have the extra support and motivation. The downside is that we’ll be riding longer!!
8. I was cold on the last ride, this afternoon at 28degrees Celsius (82 degrees F). I suspect that this was telling me that I have been working very hard. We need to watch out for that.
9. Can we have a Nespresso machine in the MotorHome?
10. We will complete RAAM!
And then I rode Friday, Saturday and a Time Trial on Sunday. I posted by 2nd best time ever: 38:33 for 25km hilly out and back. Happy!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
165 days before we start!
One upcoming sub-goal is on 23 January : to do the Alpine Classic 200km in Bright Victoria AU in less than 8 hours (200km, 3800m climbing (120miles, 12,500feet). See Last year, that's where this project really started - at the meeting point, someone was wearing a RAAM jersey. Like "across a crowded room", I rush over and say "I want one of those!". The response: "it will be the hardest thing you'll do" immediately made me even more determined! The person wearing the RAAM jersey was Glenn Druery, who has done RAAM a few times, and ironically, works 2 buildings away from me in Sydney. We've had some great talks since, and he has been a great motivator.
Tomorrow I start a pseudo-RAAM: 2 days of riding within our proposed RAAM timetable. It arose from lunch with my coach last Wednesday; he thought it would be good to have a baseline - to see how I scrub up afterwards. Glenn Druery says the same: get the feel of RAAM. So I'm riding like we will in RAAM: 4 hour blocks riding 1 hour on, one hour off. Because I will have a nice bed etc, we're making the starting segment much harded - a 4 hour ride. So I'm riding Tuesday 6:00-10:00am, 2:00-3:00pm, 4:00-5:00pm, 10:00-11:00pm, Wednesday 12:00midnight-1:00am, 6:00-7:00am, 8:00-9:00am, 2:00-3:00pm, and 4:00-5:00pm.